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If you do not have WS-FTP, download a free copy at:


Please note that there are a number of older and current versions of WS-FTP floating around. As a result, some of the instructions provided here cannot possibly reflect all the versions.


The only small difference you may encounter is where some of the options can be found (depending on the client version you're using). In any event, everything is pretty well much the same.


Setting up WSFTP:

1. Open your WSFTP client
2. The dialog box "WS_FTP" Sites should display. If not, click the "Connect" button.
3. Select "New" and you should see this dialog box:

wfstp-configured-sites.gif (7841 bytes)

You'll be taken through these options:


1. New Site/Folder: Choose a name for this account 


new-site.gif (4165 bytes)

2. Host Name or IP address: 


Note: no www. or http:// please on the newer releases of WS-FTP - just "" 


wsftp-host-name.gif (2993 bytes)

3. User ID: Main system login

User Password: Main System Password

5. Select "Save Password." 


wsftp-login-information.gif (3880 bytes)


6. Select "Finish."

Done! Your can now FTP into your site


Notes About WSFTP:

Main Username and Password:

The main Username and Password was sent to you in your welcoming email, and are also the same ones used to access C-Panel. If you've changed your "main" Username and Password before setting this up, then use you must use them instead.

Trouble accessing your site via FTP:

This can sometimes occur if your accessing the Internet from behind a firewall, personal router, or using an Internet connection sharing system such as NAT (Network Address Translation). This is often a class case scenario in a home or small office where several computers are being shared by one Internet connection.   Symptoms include, difficulty logging in via FTP, and or maintaining a reliable upload or download session. If this is the case, try "Passive Mode." 


Setting Passive Mode:


1. Open the WSFTP account manager


2. Highlight your account 


wfstp-configured-sites.gif (7841 bytes)


3. Select "Properties"

4. Select the "Advanced" tab


wsftp-site2.gif (5432 bytes)

5. Check the box called "Passive Transfers."

6. Click "OK"

wsftp-advanced.gif (8206 bytes)

Select passive mode, click "OK", and try it again.

How to view all files in your account (For Advanced Users).


Advanced users may want ability to view "all hidden" files in their directory. While most of these are critical system files, there are a few, which can be manual.htmlly edited by "Advanced Users." This is done by inserting an entry into the "File Masking" feature in the client. 


Unmasking Hidden Files:

1. Open the WSFTP account manager
2. Highlight your account
3. Select "Properties"
4. Select the "Startup" tab
5. In the "Remote File Mask" window, enter -a


 wsftp-mask.gif (6569 bytes)

The -a command will unmask all files in your web account.

Final Note:



Unless you're an advanced user, please leave all files that have been created by the system alone! Doing otherwise could cause serious problems with your account, and in some cases take it offline completely. When in doubt "ASK", do not Delete!


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