CGI Programs
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Using CGI programming:


bullet Where to place your CGI scripts
bullet Perl Modules
bullet The path to Perl
bullet The path to Sendmail
bullet Setting directories within your cgi scripts
bullet Understanding File Permissions
bullet Setting File Permissions
bullet Warnings and Security Issues
bullet Pre-installed CGI Scripts 
bullet SSI and .shtml


CGI stands for "Common Gateway Interface," or computer programs running on the web server that can be invoked from a www page through a web browser. 


CGI scripts need to be saved in ASCII format and uploaded to your server's cgi-bin in ASCII format.


This page provides you with information needed when configuring scripts and other information regarding your CGI-bin.


Put your cgi-bin scripts in the public_html subdirectory named "cgi-bin".


Here are your paths to the common server resources that CGI scripts often require:


bulletDate: /bin/date
bulletSendmail: /usr/lib/sendmail
bulletPerl5: #!/usr/bin/perl
bulletServerpath: /home/username/domain-www/cgi-bin
bulletRoot path: /home/username/
(puts you in your the root of your account)
bulletDomain directory: /home/username/public_html
(puts you in your public_html directory)
bulletCgi-bin path: /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/filename
(puts you in your cgi-bin)


NOTE: Do not include domain extension (.com) anywhere you list your domain name in the cgi paths. 


Perl Modules:


Our servers come ready to run most Perl scripts. Most scripts require specific modules to be installed on the server.


Please check our module list to make sure the ones you need are there. If they are not present on the server we can (in most cases) install them for you for free.


bullet Perl Modules


The path to Perl:

One of the first things you must do when configuring a script, is set the correct path to the Perl interpreter, which is the engine responsible for processing the script.   


The path to Perl on our servers is: #!/usr/bin/perl

The path to Sendmail:

Some programs such as the ones, which send email will need to know where the Sendmail program resides on the server. The script will typically have a setting like this: $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; and will want you to set it appropriately.


Sendmail on our servers can be found here:








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bullet See details 


Doorway Pages


Doorway sites are web sites that have been specially developed to rank highly in search results for specific search words or search phrases. People visiting a doorway site as a result of a search engine query are presented with either a link to enter your main web site or they are automatically redirected to your main web site.


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